Learn to Fly

AMA offers free instruction to new pilots


There’s lots to consider when thinking about starting in this hobby.

  • What plane should I get? Electric power or petrol?

  • What brand of radio control gear?

  • Who will teach me?

We believe to get the best start, you need proper instruction. Please don’t be tempted to start flying by yourself - the likelihood of a disappointing outcome (also known as “re-kitting your plane”!) is quite high.

Our instructors are there to answer your questions and help you get flying safely. We employ the “buddy-box” system whereby the student’s radio transmits to the instructor’s radio and it’s the instructor’s radio that actually controls the plane. That way, if things get a little out of hand, the instructor can easily take over.

At present, there are no defined times for students. All instruction is at a mutually agreed time between the student and instructor.

Do I have to have my own plane?

Not at first. Our club owns a trainer plane that new pilots can start their learning on. Once you’re happy this is the hobby for you, we do recommend you buy your own trainer so that you can start flying by yourself. Our instructors can help you pick a plane suitable for you.

Please contact us if you’re keen to give it a try!